The Study On Contactless Power Transfer
定 价:32 元
- 作者:周成虎 著
- 出版时间:2016/1/1
- ISBN:9787550913677
- 出 版 社:黄河水利出版社
- 中图法分类:H31
- 页码:187
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
Contactless Power Transfer(CPT)is a new type of power transmission mode,which is a new type of power transmission mode at a specific frequency,such as the electric energy or energy as a signal.Due to overcome the traditional physical contact with energy transmission of electric shock,sparks and other defects,with the advantages of safety ,reliability,high effciency and flexibility,has good app;ication prospects in underdround mining,water and other harsh environmrnt or the mobile load power supply ,it has been attention of researchers. In this paper ,the characteristics,the research significance anf the development status of the contactless power transmission system are introduced.The theoretical analysis,the computer simulation and the circuit experiment are used.
Chapter1 IntroductionofContactlessPowerTransmission
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Researchstatusofcontactlesspowertransmissiontechnology
1.3 Basicconstitutionofcontactlesspowertransmissionsystem
1.4 Contactlesspowertransmissionsystemclassification
1.5 Powerflowstabilityanalysisofmultiloadsystem
1.6 Multiloadprogram
Chapter2 StudyonContactlessCardiacPacemakersthePower
2.1 Overview
2.2 Circuits(design)ideasandprinciples
2.3 Softwarefunctionanalysis!
2.4 Contactlessprototypingpacemaker
Chapter3 ZigBeebasedPacemakerContactlessChargingSystem
3.1 Purposeofthestudy
3.2 PositioningaContactlesschargingsystem
3.3 Twinscrollmanifoldcontrolalgorithmfigureobservations
3.4 Resultsandconclusions
3.5 Advancedanalysis
Chapter4 ContactlessPowerTransmissionLightsCircuit
4.1 Systemmodel
4.2 Contactlesspowertransmissionheadlightcircuit
4.3 IR2110circuit
4.4 Mainspecifications
4.5 Softwaredesign
4.6 Prototypeproduction
Chapter5 ContactlessPowerTransmissionSystem SoftSwitchMode
5.1 Contactlesspowertransmissionsystem
5.2 Softwarefunctionanalysis
5.3 Contactlesspowertransmissionsystemofnonlinearcharacteristic
5.4 Limitcycletheorywithdeterminationcircuitisinthesoftstate
5.5 Experimentalverification
Chapter6 DesignandImplementationofaWirelessMouseCircuit
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Contactlessfeedermouseworks
6.3 Awirelesstransceiver
6.4 Microprocessor
6.5 Softwaredesign
6.6 Sendprocedure
6.7 Acceptprocedure