国际贸易实务(英语版 第2版)/二十一世纪普通高等院校实用规划教材·经济管理系列
定 价:59 元
- 作者:卢立伟,王芬,杨婷,蔡静,陈逢丹 编
- 出版时间:2018/8/1
- ISBN:9787302504771
- 出 版 社:清华大学出版社
- 中图法分类:F740.4
- 页码:382
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:2
- 开本:16开
《国际贸易实务(英语版 第2版)/二十一世纪普通高等院校实用规划教材·经济管理系列》以国际贸易流程为基础框架,介绍了国际贸易术语、商品描述、货物运输、货物运输保险、商品价格、支付工具、支付方式、索赔与不可抗力、谈判与磋商、进出口合同的履行以及国际贸易方式等国际贸易实务中的主要内容,配以相关的案例、流程图、合同条款、法律条文和惯例,结构完整,内容全面,具有较强的实践性和可操作性。
《国际贸易实务(英语版 第2版)/二十一世纪普通高等院校实用规划教材·经济管理系列》既适合高等院校商务英语、国际贸易等涉外专业的本、专科教学,也可供从事外经贸工作的人士及对外贸感兴趣的读者参考学习。
Chapter 1 General Introduction to International Trade
1.1 What Is International Trade
1.2 The Importance of International Trade
1.2.1 International Trade Restrictions
1.2.2 Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade
1.3 World Trade Organization
1.3.1 Overview
1.3.2 Functions of WTO
1.3.3 Basic Principles
1.3.4 Missions
1.3.5 Formal Structure
1.4 Main Procedures of International Trade
1.4.1 Basic Procedures of Export
1.4.2 Basic Procedures of Import
1.5 Relevant International Practice and Laws
1.6 Overview of Contract
1.6.1 The Functions of a Written Contract
1.6.2 The Essential Features of a Legally BindingContract
1.6.3 The General Contents of a Sales Contract
1.7 OverviewofThis Book
[Key Terms and Words]
Chapter 2 International Trade Terms
2. 1Introduction to trade terms
2.1.1 Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932
2.1.2 Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
2.1.3 International Commercial Terms
2.2 Introduction to INCOTERMS 2010
2.2.1 Mode of transport
2.2.2 The six most popular trade terms
2.2.3 The other five trade terms
2.3 INCOTERMS 2010 vs. INCOTERMS 2000
2.4 Incoterms and Contract
2.5 Choice of Trade Terms
[Key Terms and Words]
Chapter 3 Terms of Commodity
3.1 Name of Commodity
3.1.1 Commodity Naming Methods
3.1.2 HS Code
3.1.3 Name Clauses in the Contract
3.2 Quality of Commodity
3.2.1 Quality Stipulation Methods
3.2.2 Quality Latitude and Quality Tolerance
3.2.3 Quality Clauses in the Contract
3.3 Quantity of Commodity
3.3.1 Unit of Measurement
3.3.2 Calculation of Weight
3.3.3 Quantity Allowance Clauses
Chapter 4 International Cargo Transport
Chapter 5 International Cargo Transport Insurance
Chapter 6 Price of Goods
Chapter 8 International Payment and Settlement
Chapter 9 Inspection,Claims,Force Majeure and Arbitration
Chapter 10 Business Negotiation and Establishment of Contract
Chapter 11 Exporting and Importing Procedure