现代船舶结构设计(Modern Ship Structural Design)是上海交通大学国家一级重点学科“船舶与海洋工程”学科一门重要的研究生专业课程。从2004年至今,笔者已在上海交通大学主讲本课程15学期,为配合该课程的教学工作,笔者于2013年编写了《船舶结构设计与分析》的英文版教材。该教材出版以来,听课的研究生在课堂学习中对本教材提出了一些中肯的改进意见,恰逢上海交通大学在2019年立项了“双一流”研究生优质课程建设项目,这都为该教材的再次出版提供了支持和帮助。
在第二版的修订调整过程中,本教材增加了下列新内容: (1) 讲述了下列各型散货船的结构要素和船型特点: 卡姆萨型散货船、纽卡斯尔型散货轮、濑户型散货船、圣劳伦斯型散货船、马六甲型散货船和敦刻尔克型散货船。(2) 讲述了散货船舱口处的船体应力集中现象和局部加强措施,引用了国际船级社联合会有关舱口盖强度衡准的统一要求,即将舱口盖上承受的海水压力按一干舷和航速的函数来计算。(3) 讲述了散货船舱底淤泥随船舶摇荡而产生的自由面现象及其控制措施。(4) 讲述了集装箱船为了满足《国际海上人命安全公约》的可视性要求而将桥楼结构前移的新设计方案,等等。
The material in this book has been continuously developed and improved since the author started to teach the course of “Modern Ship Structural Design” in the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 2004. The subject of marine structural design and analysis is so broad that it is not possible to incorporate every aspect of this subject in one textbook. No attempt has been made to make the presentation complete in this book. However, the topics included in the book have been made as complete as possible so that they can be studied in their entirety without reference to other works. Most of the basic ideas of the subjects covered have been included. The book is intended to have at least two applications. It is expected that the book may be used as a textbook in both the undergraduate and graduate studies for students majoring in the areas of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering. On the other hand, the final results including handy tables and illustrations, may be referenced directly without going through detailed derivation. Therefore, the book should also be useful to the marine structural engineers and naval architects, as well as civil engineers and mechanical engineers who work on structural design.
Briefly, the organization of this book is as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction to marine structural design including explanation of both the traditional design method and the modern design method. Chapter 2 outlines some marine structural design fundamentals including structural arrangements, structural materials, welding and some basic knowledge on classification societies and their rules. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 consider loads and loads combinations in the process of marine structural design and how to calculate initial scantlings for a specific marine structure. Chapter 5 deals with the total strength assessment of an initially designed marine structure. Yielding, buckling and fatigue criteria are outlined in this chapter. Detailed explanations regarding spectral fatigue analysis of ship structures are also given in this chapter. Finally, Chapter 6 presents some fundamental knowledge about marine structural design optimization and several calculation examples. A knowledge of calculus, principles of naval architecture, strength of materials, solid mechanics and numerical optimization is the prerequisite for the complete use of this book.
It is my pleasure to acknowledge the help I received during the preparation of the first edition of this book. Among my students, my special thanks are due to Shi Yongpeng and He Yong, who ably assisted in a number of computations, and Zhang Youwen, who unfailingly assisted in putting the manuscript in proper order. The first edition of this book was published in 2013 and has since been successfully utilized as a textbook in my graduate course teaching in the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in SJTU. I am also grateful for those who have reviewed my application proposal for publishing the second edition of this book. Among my colleagues at the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering of SJTU, I am deeply indebted to the school vice dean for giving me strong support to finish writing this book. While it has been a joy to write this book, only the enjoyment and benefits realized by the readers will make my labor fruitful.
It is mentioned that during my utilization of the first edition of this book in my graduate course teaching in SJTU, I have received many valuable suggestions from my students in my class regarding how to continually improve the quality of the book. It was therefore envisioned that the publication of a second edition of this book including these valuable suggestions would be very much beneficial to the future students who would learn from the book. Through keen competition, this author won the funding for publishing this second edition book in 2019 from the “Double First Class” initiative in China. This generous funding, the author meticulous attention to the writing details and the book reviewers constructive comments all have contributed to the successful publication of this second edition.
A final suggestion to the future educators instructing marine structural design and analysis courses is to utilize this book in combination with the following supplement materials:
●ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, Part 3, Hull Construction and Equipment;
●ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, Part 5C, Specific Vessel Types (Chapters 16);
●ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, Part 5C, Specific Vessel Types (Chapters 713).