Fire in Midair 空中惊魂
Into the Flames 火海余生
Doctors (and Nurses) Without Borders 跨国天使
Bass Reeves: Hero of the Wild West 荒野英雄
Avalanche in British Columbia 雪崩地裂
The Spy Who Saved Lincoln 敌后干探
The Miracle Mission 神奇使命
Alone at Sea 劈波斩浪
Escape from Iran “朗”口脱险
Fearless Reporter 勇者无惧
Nurses on the Front Line 战地护士
Life and Death: The Crash of Flight 242 生死之间
Courage at Knifepoint 刀尖勇气
Rescue Mission 独闯龙潭
Fallen Heroes 出生入死
Terror at the YMCA 祸从天降
Desert Disaster 沙漠中的灾难
Trapped in the Himalayas 被困喜玛拉雅
All Alone in the Jungle 独步丛林
Buried in Nairobi 内罗毕惨案