Railway Passenger Transportation(铁路旅客运输)
定 价:148 元
丛书名:A Series of Textbooks on Railway Transportation for the Belt and Road
- 作者:贾俊芳,韩宝明 著
- 出版时间:2021/1/1
- ISBN:9787113265885
- 出 版 社:中国铁道出版社
- 中图法分类:U293
- 页码:472
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
With the largescale construction and successful operation of highspeed railway, railway passenger transportation system of China has become the world leader in terms of technical level, transportation organization and operation management. Highspeed railway of China to the world is not only the need of macroeconomic strategic layout, but also the responsibility of railway development and service to the whole society. This textbook can be used for undergraduates and masters of railway transportation for running schools abroad, which is also applicable to the external training of all kinds of railway transportation professional technical personnel and be the reference use of technical personnel.
This textbook aims to comprehensively reflect the basic theory and application of railway passenger transportation organization, management and operation. On the basis of referring to domestic and foreign books, special studies and management specifications, the theoretical system of railw
贾俊芳,北京交通大学交通运输学院副教授,从事铁路旅客运输方面的教学与科研工作 ,带领铁路旅客运输教学团队,在教材编写、课程建设、科学研究、试验平台建设等成绩突出,先后主持完成研究原铁道部、国家铁路局、铁路局、世行等领域的科研项目近30项,主编出版《铁路旅客运输》《旅客运输》《铁路旅客运营管理》《城市轨道交通客运服务管理》《公关与礼仪》等多部教材。韩宝明,男,博士,北京交通大学交通运输学院教授,博士生导师,北京《都市快轨交通》杂志社社长,中国城市轨道交通协会专家和学术委员会秘书长。主要研究方向包括运输组织现代化,高速铁路运输组织,城市轨道交通运营管理等,是交通运输学院高速与重载方向的学科责任教授。近年来在高速铁路、城市轨道交通枢纽运输组织等领域主持并参与了近50项科研课题,出版《高速铁路概论》《铁路客运专线换乘枢纽交通设计理论与方法》等多部著作,创办《Urban Rail Transit》英文期刊并担任主编。
Chapter ⅠIntroduction1
1.1The Distinctive Aspects of Railway Passenger Transportation and Its Significance,
Role and Development Trend1
1.2Products of and Contracts Regarding Railway Passenger Transportation10
1.3The Route Network Planning and the Distinctive Aspects of the Transportation
Organization of China's HSR20
1.4The Organization System of Railway Passenger Transportation in China36
Review Exercises39
Chapter ⅡRailway Passenger Transportation Demand and Market Survey40