定 价:20 元
- 作者:Marion Wyse ,黄滔 ,常俊跃 著
- 出版时间:2010/8/1
- ISBN:9787560961743
- 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.9
- 页码:168
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
《英语口语教程4:英语演讲与辩论2》主要有以下几个方面的优势和特点。1.注重修辞理念:演讲是修辞最直接、最精华的体现和成果。然而,中外对比修辞研究的最新成果表明,中国学生在演讲稿中所表现出的修辞取向与英语的修辞取向存在较大差异,尤其体现在语篇模式建构上。因此,本套教材在Knowledge Input部分着重帮助学习者理解英、汉语篇修辞的差异,引导学习者遵循英语演讲的修辞模式进行语篇建构和观点陈述,从而提升演讲的修辞价值,提升其说服力和感染力。
2.强调语言输入:本教材中的Lexical Power Build-Up部分为学习者提供了大量实用性很强的预置语块,适用于各种类型的演讲场合和演讲目的。这些语块的选择是以英语演讲修辞理念为基础的,所以对语块的操练和运用不仅能提升学习者的语言能力,而且能进一步深化对修辞思想的理解,使学习者的演讲风格更加趋近英语演讲修辞的要求。
3.练习多种多样:本教材在Comprehensive Practice中为教师和学习者设计了不同层次、不同目的、不同形式的练习。练习主要以口语形式完成,包括即时理解能力训练、批判性思维训练、语言运用能力训练、演讲和辩论训练、团队合作训练等。这些练习目的明确,具有很强的操作性和娱乐性,教师和学习者可以根据实际情况选择使用,实现在经历中学习,获得最佳的学习效果。
Part Three Polishing Speaking Skills
Unit 17 Narrative Speech with Examples
Unit 18 Audience-Centred Speeches
Unit 19 Speech Topics and Plans
Unit 20 Logos-Rational Appeal
Unit 21 Pathos-Emotional Appeal
Unit 22 Ethos-Credibility Appeal
Unit 23 Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value
Unit 24 Rhetoric for Public Policy Speeches
Part Four English Speaking Contest
Unit 25 Prepared Speech in English Speaking Contests
Unit 26 Impromptu Speech in English Speaking Contests
Unit 27 Q & A in English Speaking Contests
Part Five Debating Skills
Unit 28 Basics of Debate
Unit 29 Evidence for Debate
Unit 30 Logic in Debate
Unit 31 Questioning and Team Skills in Debate
Unit 32 Parliamentary Debate
Order of importance- saving the best for last: Often, when you are developing a topic sentence with examples and details, one of the examples is more impressive than the others. Since audiences generally remember what they hear last, and since it is a good idea to leave a good impression on the audience, it is wise to place the most impressive example at the end of the paragraph. Study the following part of a speech, and note that the last example is the most startling one.
A search through etymologies will reveal some examples of words which have narrowed in meaning since their early days. Barbarian was originally a vague designation for a foreigner of any kind; garage, when it was borrowed from France ,meant "a place for storage. " In the United States, lumber has specialized to mean timber or sawed logs especially prepared for use," but in Britain the word still retain sits more generally meaning of " unused articles ". ... Perhaps the most startling specialization has taken place with the word girl; even as late as Chaucer s time, it was used to mean "a young person of either sex" !
Order of familiarity——from the more familiar to the less familiar: When the detail sin the expository paragraph are mostly factual, it is common to begin with the most obvious or familiar detail and move toward the less obvious or less familiar detail. This is the pattern of the following paragraph about the expense of smoking cigarettes. The writer begins with details that most people would consider when thinking about expense: the price. Then the writer discusses the less obvious or familiar expense of smoking cigarettes: the cleaning. Read the paragraph and note how the writer connects the more obvious expense to the less obvious expense.
Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive habit. Considering that the average price per pack of cigarettes is about $ 2.50, people who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day spend $ 5 per day on their habit. But the cost of cigarettes is not the only expense cigarettes mokers incur. Since cigarette smoke has an offensive odor that permeates clothing ,stuffed furniture and carpeting, smokers often find that they must have these items cleaned more frequently than nonsmokers do. This hidden expense does contribute to making cigarette smoking an expensive habit.
Order of time ——from the past to the present: When the details and examples in a paragraph are taken from history or are events that have taken place in the past, it is often a good idea to order the examples according to chronology.