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斯莫里根的《内科学(第13版最新版美国医师执照考试)》, is intended to provide medical students, as well as house officers and physicians, with a convenient tool for assessing and improving their knowledge of medicine. The 500 questions in this book arc similar in format and complexity to those induded in Step 2 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). They may also be a useful study tool for Step 3 and for the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) medical student exam for the internal medicine clerkship. For multiple choice questions, the one best response to each question should be selected For matching sets, a group of questions will be preceded by a list of lettered options. For each question in the matching set, select one lettered option that is most closely associated with the question. Each question in this book has acorresponding answer, a reference to a text that provides background to the answer, and a short discussio.